Under OPEX/RESCO model, Vibgyor Energy will invest and set up solar plant in the customer’s premises. Vibgyor Energy uses latest technology equipment to provide maximum benefits to the customer. Customer can consume green energy by paying per unit cost without investing in solar project. This model is also known as “Build Own Operate and Transfer”, BOOT.
Some Advantage of Opex Model:
- All regulatory approvals are under Vibgyor Energy’s scope
- Under OPEX model Vibgyor makes the investment for the development of a solar plant and supplies electricity to consumers at a tariff based on the power purchase agreement. • Vibgyor operates and maintains the solar plant and delivers best-in-class service for uninterrupted power supply to the client on a mutually agreed non-escalating tariff fixed for 10-15 years depending on the mutually agreed tariff and PPA Term.
- Consumer can avail attractive discounts over the prevailing tariff under this model.
- Risk free option of for solar installation.
- Tariff under such arrangement can be availed at discount of 10 – 15% from the state grid cost per unit of electricity, depending upon the plant capacity and credit rating of the consumer.
- In case the clients wish, the solar plant can be transferred to the client free of cost after the minimum contract period agreed upon.