Through open access consumers with Large power requirements > than 1 MW connected load can leverage cheap power from a large off-site solar plant. On Site Solar can only fulfill 10% to 20% energy demand in most cases and still a large chunk of energy is dependent on Grid at a much higher price. Open Access Power bridges this gap and provides energy to fulfill the remaining requirement as open access is not constrained to the limitations of rooftop solar such as scalability and Limited rooftop space. Vibgyor Energy provides the best solution in line with state solar policies and other open access regulations.
Under this model, Vibgyor Energy invests in Solar Parks and supply bulk power to Captive/Group Captive/Third Party consumers. Consumer has to invest minimum 7.8 % under this arrangement to enjoy captive plant benefits. Consumer has to sign a long-term Power Purchase Agreement to access this facility.
Advantages of Open Access Captive Model:
- Customer invests only 7.8% of the capital required for commissioning of the project.
- Payback Period is approx. 1 to 1.5 years.
- Vibgyor will develop and maintain solar parks throughout the project life.
- Consumers saves huge on bulk green energy supply.