Microgrid Solar System

What Is Microgrid and its Importance?
The microgrid is a scaled-down version of the centralized power system. It can generate, distribute and control power in a small community.
It is reliable and flexible.
Microgrids are designed to provide uninterrupted power to the balanced load demand for a customer with the changing power need.
It is safer
The power generated locally and in its smaller size make microgrid easier to keep safe both physically and given the right control system from the cyber threats.
It is resilient
Microgrid does not depend on the traditional grid and can be used to supply critical load in the case when the grid system is disconnected.
It can save money
Microgrids do not require a long transmission line and its maintenance cost is reduces. So using sophisticated software to monitor, operate and optimize the power usage based on the demand utility price
It can store energy and renewable energy sources can be incorporated
Microgrids are smaller in size, it is possible to have proper energy management and incorporate renewable energy. Most of the cases it will have a solar system or micro wind turbine in seashore places or the hilly places. So it can save money and reduce carbon emission as often required by the government regulations.
How do Microgrid Work?
An advanced control system enables the microgrid component to operate, coordinate, and optimize.
The utility grid
The interconnected system serves as a primary source of everyday power. The microgrid can be islanded or disconnected from the traditional grid during the fault. If there is any fault in the traditional grids then microgrid can be operated independently with the critical load depending on the availability of power on that local grid.
Energy storage element
In microgrids most of the cases we will have batteries which stored electricity for use for keeping the power in hand that will give autonomy. It means that if we have a solar power plant based system so we may have two or three rainy days then we require to supply power from the storage battery that is called the autonomy.
Controllable generations
Microgrid provides stable and necessary levels of the voltage and the frequency of the system if it is an AC system or high-pressure system in every point we have to maintain the frequency. And if it is a DC system so we have a DC bus and we require to maintain its voltage at every point as prescribed within a limit of tolerance.
Benefits of Microgrids.
Enable grid modernization.
Enable grid modernization of multiple smart grid technologies.
Enhance the integration of distributed and renewable energy sources.
Facilitates integrations of combined heat and power - It is a concept of the green building where the heating element can be incorporated with the power element.
Promotes energy efficiency, reduce loses by generations near demand.
Potential to reduce large capital investment by meeting increased consumption by locally generated power.
Potential to reduce peak load.
Encourage third party investment in the local grid and the power supply
Meet user needs
Ensure energy supply for the critical load.
Power quality and reliability controlled locally.
Promotes demand-side management and load levelling
Promotes community energy independence and allows for community involvement in electricity supply.
Design to meet local needs and increase customer participation.
We at Vibgyor Energy have a futuristic approach to meet the energy demand. We are looking very closely, the shift in energy consumption and generation trends in India and it is a need of the hour where we have to think of some alternative where we can incorporate renewable energy to meet the peak load demands with sustainable growth. At Vibgyor we think Microgrids have the potential to radically alter the shape of our energy system architecture. We are poised to take on the challenge to think disruptively and excited to transform our energy system through clusters of smart microgrids. Our focus remains on the highly resilient, reliable, cleaner and safer power supply to our customers.